2015년 7월 30일 목요일

Money Cannot Bring Happiness

  Today whether money can bring happiness or not is a hot topic. Since capitalism has been spread worldwide, there are many people who believe that money can bring happiness. However, does money really bring true happiness? Even though there are many people who believe like this I believe that money cannot bring happiness for several reasons.

  First, there are certain factors that can contribute to happiness which cannot be bought or gained by money. True friendship, love, and pleasure are things that cannot be bought by money. But it is also certain that they are major mental factors that can leads happiness. So, without these things do we able to get the true happiness?

World Happiness rate by Daily Chart
World GDP rate by wikipedia
  Second, I’d like to support my claim with some statistics. The happiness rates of central america are higher than those of Extreme-east Asia which are China South Korea and Japan. Although the GDP and incomes of those Asian countries are much higher than the Central American countries like Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua the happiness rates of the Asian countries are much lower than Central American countries. In other words, generally people in these Asian countries have more money than those in Central America. However, the Central Americans feel happier about their lives than those of East Asians. Aren’t this statistics sound like a paradox to those who claim that money can bring happiness?

  Finally, there are many experts and specialists that can support and prove the claim that money can bring happiness wrong. For example, Michael Sandel already proved that money cannot bring happiness through his book, ‘What money can’t buy.‘. Also, a renowned psychologist Tal Ben Shahar also proved that money can’t bring happiness through his book, ‘Happier’. Also it is widely known Benedict de Spinoza claimed that happiness cannot be earned by quantity which means money. In addition there are more renowned specialists who share my claim.
In conclusion, I believe that money cannot bring happiness for three reasons, There are things that cannot be bought by money, and there are not only statistics but also experts and specialists that share my claim. Happiness cannot be bought by money.

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